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Pleasant Meadows

Pleasant MeadowsLike sunshine after a storm were the peaceful weeks which followed. The invalids improved rapidly, and Mr. March began to talk of returning early in the new year. Beth was…

Thomas Walsh: In the Mushroom Meadows

In the Mushroom MeadowsThomas WalshSun on the dewy grasslands where late the frost hath shone, And lo, what elfin cities are these we come upon! What pigmy domes and thatches, what Arab…

Mountain Meadows

(Encyclopedia) Mountain Meadows, small valley in extreme SW Utah, where in 1857 a party of some 140 emigrants bound for California were massacred. It was a period when friction between Mormons and…

Rolling Meadows

(Encyclopedia) Rolling Meadows, city (1990 pop. 22,591), Cook co., NE Ill., a suburb of Chicago; inc. 1955. There is research and development and the manufacture of office supplies and electronic…

Chauncey Judd: Alarm in Judd's Meadow

Pursuit from Bethany David Wooster's Alarm in Judd's Meadow They were early risers at Mr. Judd's. The habits of industry in which the family were trained, from the oldest to the…


(Encyclopedia) RütliRütlirütˈlē [key] or GrütliRütligrütˈlē [key], meadows, Uri canton, central Switzerland, on the shore of the Lake of Lucerne. Here, according to the legend of William Tell,…

Fort Necessity

(Encyclopedia) Fort Necessity, entrenched camp built in July, 1754, by George Washington and his Virginia militia at Great Meadows (near the present Uniontown, Pa.). He retired there when he learned…