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The Rainbow Coalition

by Reverend Jesse Jackson Address to the Democratic Convention Thank you very much. Tonight we come together bound by our faith in a mighty God, with genuine respect and love for…

Gender & Sexuality

Cite /**/ A couple of lesbian or bisexual women with rainbow flags. The flag debuted in 1978 and became an LGBTQ symbol. Issues of sex and gender are far reaching and have vast histories. For…

2004 Presidential Election

—Borgna Brunner In 2004, the United States' major preoccupation was the ongoing war in Iraq. Hopes that Saddam Hussein's capture in Dec. 2003 would stem the country's turmoil faded with a dramatic…

October 2000 News and Events

WorldEngland Debuts Bill of Rights (Oct. 2): Labor Party's pet project, part of the Human Rights Act, will likely reshape centuries-old relationship between citizens and government.Violence…

The Supreme Court and Equal Rights

  The Constitution describes equal rights only in general terms. The courts, especially the Supreme Court, have had to decide how these consitutional guarantees apply to specific situations. Some…

April 2017 Current Events: U.S. News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News There's always something going on in the United States, and trying to keep track of it all can be a nightmare. Luckily,…


  Oregon State Information Capital: Salem Official Name: State of Oregon Organized as a territory/republic: August 14, 1848 Entered Union (rank): February 14, 1859 (33rd state) Present…

The Iliad of Homer: The Embassy to Achilles

The Second Battle, and the Dis... The Night-Adventure of Diomed ... The Embassy to Achilles. Agamemnon, after the last day's defeat, proposes to the Greeks to quit the siege, and…