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Displaying 141 - 150

Brewer's: Hilary Term

in the Law Courts, begins on Plough Monday (q.v.) and ends the Wednesday before Easter. It is so called in honour of St. Hillary, whose day is January 14. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Gregorian Calendar

One which shows the new and full moon, with the time of Easter and the movable feasts depending thereon. The reformed calendar of the Church of Rome, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII. in…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 15, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 14, 1806June 16, 1806June 15, 1806 Sunday June 15th 1806. We had some little difficulty in collecting our horses this morning they had…

Santa Ana Winds

Mysterious autumn winds that warm southern California by Liz Olson California Related Links Worst U.S. Forest Fires Disasters CaliforniaIn autumn, we often hear about Santa…

Brewer's: Churchwarden

(A). A long clay pipe, such as churchwardens used to smoke some half a century ago when they met together in the parish tavern, after they had made up their accounts in the vestry, or been…