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(Encyclopedia) PharparPharparfärˈpər [key], in the Bible, river of Damascus. Its identity with the Awaj, a river flowing easterly south of the city, is doubtful. The other river of Damascus was the…

Easter, 1916

Easter, 1916I have met them at close of day Coming with vivid faces From counter or desk among grey Eighteenth-century houses. I have passed with a nod of the head Or polite meaningless words…

Brewer's: Easter

April was called Ostermonath—the month of the Ost-end wind (wind from the east). Easter is therefore the April feast, which lasted eight days. Our Easter Sunday must be between March 21st…

Date of Easter

The Question: Why does Easter occur at different times each year? The Answer: Easter, for Western churches, is calculated as the first Sunday…

Easter and Passover

History, lore, customs, and fascinating trivia   More Holiday Fun Poems in Honor of Spring A selection of verses to cheer the winter-weary soul Mardi Gras Quiz Many Mardi Gras…

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is a jaunty symbol of the annual Christian holiday of Easter. Easter marks the day that, in the Christian tradition, Jesus of Nazareth rose from the grave after his crucifixion. The…

Easter Around the World

From witches to detectives, Easter traditions vary by David Johnson Norway's Criminal Habit Uncovered In Norway, reading detective novels and crime thrillers has become a popular…

Sweet Easter Facts

$2.26 billion of Easter candy bought Infoplease Poll How should you eat a chocolate bunny? Related Links Easter Features Movable Feasts Fabergé Eggs Tale of Two Easters…

Easter Symbols and Traditions

A brief history of the spring holiday's celebrations Related Links Easter Features Easter Around the World Encyclopedia: Easter Encyclopedia: Jesus Christ   Christians…