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Crisis in the Caucasus

History of the conflict in Dagestan by Sarah K. Miller This article was posted on August 19, 1999. Related Links Russian Roulette: A timeline of recent reshufflingThe Dissolution of the…

Priscilla Owen, 2005 News

Texas judge, was nominated to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals in May, after a bitter four-year partisan battle. Her nomination followed a compromise reached by a group of 14 senators…

secession, in political science

(Encyclopedia) secession, in political science, formal withdrawal from an association by a group discontented with the actions or decisions of that association. The term is generally used to refer to…

Yasir Arafat, 1998 News

Palestinian leader, and Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, brokered a reluctant peace agreement in Maryland with the help of President Clinton and King Hussein of Jordan. The…

Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore was the 13th president of the United States, assuming office upon the death of President Zachary Taylor in 1850. Fillmore came from poor, uneducated beginnings to become a New York…

John Ashcroft, 2003 News

U.S. attorney general, was widely criticized for seeking sweeping new powers to track down terrorists. Civil libertarians and increasingly, the courts, have condemned the compromise on civil…

Indira Gandhi

Name at birth: Indira PriyadarshiniIndira Gandhi was the prime minister of India from 1966-77 and 1980-84 and one of the most famous women in 20th century politics. Her father was Jawaharlal Nehru,…

King Louis XVI

King Louis XVI of France was the unfortunate monarch executed during the 1789 French Revolution. He succeeded his grandfather, Louis XV, in 1774 and inherited a looming financial crisis just as…

Warren Harding

Warren Harding was president of the United States from 1921 until his sudden death in 1923. One can almost feel sorry for Harding, who consistently gets ranked as one of the worst presidents of all…

Moira Shearer 2006 Deaths

Moira ShearerAge: 80 Scottish ballerina who gained international fame for her portrayal of the tragic heroine in the film The Red Shoes. The role, however, compromised her career as a…