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100 Years of Girl Scouts

In 2012, the Girls Scouts of the USA celebrated their 100th anniversary. by Jennie Wood Two Girl Scouts with Juliette Gordon Low (center) Related Links Girl Scouts Official…

Brewer's: Candidate

(3 syl.) means “clothed in white.” Those who solicited the office of consul, quæstor, prætor, etc., among the Romans, arrayed themselves in a loose white robe. It was loose that they might…

Brewer's: Kendal Green

Green cloth for foresters; so called from Kendal, Westmoreland, famous at one time for this manufacture. Kendal green was the livery of Robin Hood and his followers. In Rymer's Faedera (ii…

Brewer's: King's Mess

(The). An extra mess of rice boiled with milk- or of almonds, peas, or other pulse- given to the monks of Melrose Abbey by Robert [Bruce], the feast to be held on January 10th, and 100…

Brewer's: Ambassador

a practical joke played on greenhorns aboard ship. A tub full of water is placed between two stools, and the whole being covered with a green cloth, a sailor sits on each stool, to keep…

Brewer's: Diaper

A sort of cloth, a corruption of D'Ypres, where it is largely manufactured. Similarly we have calico from Calicut; nankeen from Nankin; worsted from Worsted, in Norfolk; and half a score…

Brewer's: Cut and Dry

Already prepared. “He had a speech all cut and dry.” The allusion is to timber cut, dry, and fit for use. Sets of phrases, cut and dry, Evermore thy tongue supply. Swift. Source:…

Brewer's: Mantel-piece

(A). A shelf over a fire-place, originally used for drying clothes. “Around the spacious cupola, over the Italian fire-places, is a ledge to which are affixed pegs, on which postillions…

Brewer's: Sancha

Daughter of Garcias, King of Navare, and wife of Fernan Gonsalez of Castile. She twice saved the life of the count her husband, once on his road to Navarre, being waylaid by personal…