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Brewer's: Clotharius

or Clothaire (in Jerusalem Delivered) At the death of Hugo he takes the lead of the Franks, but is shot by Clorinda (q.v.) with an arrow (book xi.). After his death, his troops sneak away…

Brewer's: Wrong Side of the Blanket

(The). (See Blanket.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Wrong Side of the ClothWrong End of the Stick A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Wrong Sow by the Ear

(You have the). You have made a mistake in choice, come to the wrong shop or box; or misapprehended the subject. Pigs are caught by the ear. (See Sow…

Brewer's: Knights of the Handcuffs

Constables, policemen, etc., who carry handcuffs for refractory or suspicious prisoners taken up by them. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Knights of the…

Brewer's: Field of Vision

or Field of View. The space in a telescope, microscope, stereoscope, etc., within which the object is visible. If the object is not distinctly visible, it must be brought into the field by…

Brewer's: Green Bird

(The) told everything a person wished to know, and talked like an oracle. (CountessD'Aulnoy: Fair Star and Prince Chery.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Green Dogs

Any extinct race, like that of the Dodo. Brederode said to Count Louis: “I would the whole race of bishops and cardinals was extinct, like that of green dogs.” (Motley Dutch Republic, part…

Brynn's Time Travel Essay

Brynn Proudly Signs the Declaration of Independence Related Links American Revolution How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay…