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Brewer's: Giants' War with Jove

(The). The War of the Giants and the War of the Titans should be kept distinct. The latter was after Jove or Zeus was god of heaven and earth, the former was before that time. Kronos, a…

Obscure Star Wars Characters

/* /*]]>*/ Star Wars has been popular since the first movie's release in 1977. While many people know the basic trivia of the series, they may not know these obscure characters. How well do you…

History of Modern War Quiz

From Memorial Day and Remembrance Day to Veteran’s Day and Holocaust Memorial Day, people all over the world set aside moments to remember those whose existences were changed by wars that have come…

History In View: The Fog of War

The Problem One of the biggest barriers to learning more about history is the inaccessibility of most scholarly history books. The best history for research purposes is tight in its focus, has a…

Fact Sheet: Iraqi War

Length of official combat operation, Operation Iraqi Freedom: March 20–May 1, 2003.Deployment: More than 300,000 coalition troops deployed to the Gulf region: about 255,000 U.S., 45,000 British, 2,…

World War I Fact Sheet

Facts and Stats about the Great War The Lusitania Related Links World War I Primer World War I Timeline The Deadliest Battles in World War I…

Timeline: World War II

The Second World War was a defining moment in human history, shaping the world we live in today. It was a war of epic proportions, fought on multiple fronts across the globe, involving millions of…

U.S. History: The World Wars

Welcome to the U.S. History Timeline quiz covering the first half of the 20th century. This quiz will test your knowledge of significant events and people during this period. Good luck!

Howe, Clarence Decatur

(Encyclopedia) Howe, Clarence DecaturHowe, Clarence Decaturhou [key], 1886–1960, Canadian civil engineer and cabinet minister, b. Waltham, Mass. He went to Canada in 1908 as professor of civil…