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Brewer's: Directory

The French constitution of 1795, when the executive was vested in five persons called directors, one of whom retired every year. After a sickly existence of four years, it was quashed by…

Brewer's: Dominical Letters

The letters which denote the Sundays or dies dominica. The first seven letters of the alphabet are employed; so that if A stands for the first Sunday in the year, the other six letters…

Major Bouts, 2000–01

HeavyweightsCruiserweights (190 lbs)Light Heavyweights (175 lbs)Super Middleweights (168 lbs)Middleweights (160 lbs)Junior Middleweights (154 lbs)Welterweights (147 lbs)Junior Welterweights (…

Brewer's: Criss-cross Row

(Christ-cross row). The A B C horn-book, containing the alphabet and nine digits. The most ancient of these infant-school books had the letters arranged in the form of a Latin cross, with…

Brewer's: Tariff

A list in alphabetical order of the duties, drawbacks, bounties, etc., charged or allowed on exports and imports. The word is derived from Tarifa, a seaport of Spain about twenty miles…

Brewer's: Runes

The earliest alphabet in use among the Gothic tribes of Northern Europe. The characters were employed either for purposes of secrecy or for divination. Rim is Gaelic for “secret,” and…

Brewer's: Points of the Escutcheon

There are nine points distinguished in heraldry by the first nine letters of the alphabet- three at top, A, B, C; three down the middle, D, E, F; and three at the bottom, G, H, I. The…

WNBA 1999 Attendance

Attendance figures below are for the regular season and teams are listed in alphabetical order.TeamHome GamesTotal AttendanceAverage AttendanceCharlotte Sting16113,3037,081Cleveland…

Brewer's: Acrostic

Acros′tic (Greek, akros stichos) The term was first applied to the verses of the Erythræan sibyl, written on leaves. These prophecies were excessively obscure, but were so contrived that…