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Upon their consultation they prescribe

Upon their consultation they prescribeMedicamina ScribuntMeditationJohn Donne THEY have seen me and heard me, arraigned me in these fetters and received the evidence; have cut up mine own…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: To Jane: The Invitation

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Lines: 'When the Lamp Is Shattered'To Jane: The RecollectionTo Jane: The Invitation This and the following poem were published together in their original form as…

Brewer's: Man

(Isle of), called by the ancient Britons main-au (little island), Latinised into Menav -ia. Caesar calls it Mona (i.e. Mon-ah), the Scotch pronunciation of Manau. Mona and Pliny's Monabia…

Writing Well: Seek and Ye Shall Find

Seek and Ye Shall FindWriting WellSeek and Ye Shall FindBook LearningMags and RagsResearching on the I-WayYou're Not Done Yet You've got your subject, you've narrowed it to a topic, and you've…

Albuquerque, N.M.

Mayor: Richard J. Berry (to Nov. 2017)2010 census population (rank): 545,852 (32); Male: 265,106 (48.6%); Female: 280,746 (51.4%); White: 380,552 (71.6%); Black: 17,933 (3.3%); American Indian and…

Lamentations: 5

Lamentations Chapter 5 1 Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach. 2 Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens. 3 We are…

Song of Solomon: 8

Song of Solomon Chapter 8 1 O that thou wert as my brother, that sucked the breasts of my mother! when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised…

Zephaniah: 2

Zephaniah Chapter 2 1 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; 2 Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce…