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Displaying 491 - 500

Ethnicity and Race by Countries

Find the ethnic and racial composition of every country in the world, listed alphabetically. Afghanistan Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, Uzbek 9%, Aimaks 4%, Turkmen 3%, Baloch 2%, others 4…

Vachel Lindsay

Lindsay, Vachel[1879-1931](4)Born in Springfield, Ill., Nov. 10, 1879. Educated at Hiram College, Ohio. His first intention was to enter the field of art and he became a student at the Art…

Per Capita Health Expenditures by Country, 2007

The sum of public and private expenditure (in purchasing power parity terms in US dollars), divided by the population. Health expenditure includes the provision of health services (preventive and…

Brewer's: Sucre

Manger du sucre. Applause given by claqueurs to actors is called sucre (sugar). French actors and actresses make a regular agreement with the manager for these hired applauders. While…

Brewer's: Wing, Wings

Wing of a house, wing of an army, wing of a battalion or squadron, etc., are the side-pieces which start from the main body, as the wings of birds…

Brewer's: Man

(Isle of), called by the ancient Britons main-au (little island), Latinised into Menav -ia. Caesar calls it Mona (i.e. Mon-ah), the Scotch pronunciation of Manau. Mona and Pliny's Monabia…

Brewer's: Larigot

Boire à tire larigot. To tope, to bouse. Larigot is a corruption of “l'arigot ” (a limb), and boire a tire l'arigot means simply “to drink with all your might,” as jouer de l'arigot means…

1987 Academy Awards

The 1987 Academy Awards were presented April 11, 1988 at the Shrine Civic Auditorium, Los Angeles.Best PictureBroadcast News, James L. Brooks, producer (Twentieth Century-Fox)Fatal…