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Brewer's: Bertram

One of the conspirators against the Republic of Venice “in whom there was a hesitating softness fatal to a great enterprise.” He betrayed the conspiracy to the senate. (Byron: Marino…

Brewer's: Brutus

(Marcus). Cæsar's friend, joined the conspirators to murder him, because he made himself a king. And thou, unhappy Brutus, kind of heart, Whose steady arm, by awful virtue urged, Lifted…

Brewer's: Hussars

Matthias Corvinus compelled every twenty families to provide him with one horse-soldier free of all charge. This was in 1458, and in confirmation of this story we are told that huss is an…

Brewer's: Cap of Liberty

When a slave was manumitted by the Romans, a small red cloth cap, called pileus, was placed on his head. As soon as this was done, he was termed libertinus (a freedman), and his name was…

Brewer's: Arria

a Roman lady, the wife of Cæcina Pætus. Pætus being accused of conspiring against the Emperor Claudius was condemned to death and sent by sea to Rome. Arria accompanied him, and stabbed…

Brewer's: Marino Faliero

The forty-ninth doge or chief magistrate of the republic of Venice, elected 1354. A patrician named Michel Steno, having behaved indecently to some of the women assembled at the great…

Brewer's: Still Waters Run Deep

Silent and quiet conspirators or traitors are most dangerous; barking dogs never bite; the fox barks not when he would steal the lamb. Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep: And in…

Brewer's: Zimri

in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, is the second Duke of Buckingham. Like the captain who conspired against Asa, King of Judah, he “formed parties and joined factions,” but pending the…

Brewer's: Giona

(g soft). A leader of the Anabaptists, once a servant of Comte d'Oberthal, but discharged from his service for theft. In the rebellion headed by the Anabaptists, Giona took the Count…

Brewer's: Glendower

(Owen). A Welsh chief, one of the most active and formidable enemies of Henry IV. He was descended from Llewellyn, the last of the Welsh princes. Sir Edmund Mortimer married one of his…