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Brewer's: Casca

A blunt-witted Roman, one of the conspirators against Julius Caesar. (Shakespeare: Julius Caesar.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894CaseCasabianca A B C D…

Brewer's: Catilines

and Cethegi (The). Synonyms for conspirators who hope to mend their fortunes by rebellion. “The intrigues of a few impoverished Catilines and Cethegi.” —Motley: Dutch Republic. Source:…

Brewer's: City of Refuge

(The). Medina, in Arabia, where Mahomet took refuge when driven by conspirators from Mecca. He entered the city, not as a fugitive, but in triumph, A.D. 622. (See under Cities Of Refuge ,…

Brewer's: Rye-house Plot

A conspiracy to assassinate Charles II. and his brother James on their way from Newmarket. As the house in which the king was lodging accidentally caught fire, the royal party left eight…

Brewer's: Magophonia

A festival observed by the Persians to commemorate the massacre of the Magi. Smerdis usurped the throne on the death of Cambyses; but seven Persians, conspiring together, slew Smerdis and…

Brewer's: Arbaces

(3 syl.). A Mede and Assyrian satrap, who conspired against Sardanapalus, and founded the empire of Media on the ruins of the Assyrian kingdom. (Byron: Sardanapalus.) Source: Dictionary…

James Winthrop: Agrippa II

Agrippa IIJames Winthrop27 November 1787by James Winthrop, AgrippaTo the People of Massachusetts.In the Gazette of the 23d instant, I ascertained from the state of other countries and the…

Brewer's: Brutus

(Marcus). Cæsar's friend, joined the conspirators to murder him, because he made himself a king. And thou, unhappy Brutus, kind of heart, Whose steady arm, by awful virtue urged, Lifted…