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(Encyclopedia) incense-tree, common name for members of the Burseraceae, a family of sometimes deciduous shrubs and large trees found chiefly in tropical America and NE Africa. The name derives from…


(Encyclopedia) kratom, drug obtained from the leaves of the tropical evergreen tree Mitragyna speciosa, also called kratom, a relative of the coffee tree found in Southeast Asia. The leaves are…

Heredia, José María de

(Encyclopedia) Heredia, José María de, 1842–1905, French poet, a leading exponent of the poetic ideals of the Parnassians, b. Cuba. His reputation rests on Les Trophées (1893), containing 118…

Sonnets by William Shakespeare: XII

Sonnet XI Sonnet XIII XII When I do count the clock that tells the time, And see the brave day sunk in hideous night; When I behold the violet past prime, And sable curls, all silvered…

Brewer's: Tree

The oldest in the world - (1) De Candolle considers the deciduous cypress of Chapultepec, in Mexico, one of the oldest trees in the world. (2) The chestnut-trees on Mount Etna, and the…

The Juniper-Tree

The Juniper-Tree Long, long ago, some two thousand years or so, there lived a rich man with a good and beautiful wife. They loved each other dearly, but sorrowed much that they had no…

neem tree

(Encyclopedia) neem tree or margosa tree, a fast-growing broad-leaved evergreen, Azadirachta indica, native to India and Myanmar. Its extracts have been used for centuries in Asia as pesticides,…

Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth

(Encyclopedia) Brooks, Gwendolyn Elizabeth, 1917–2000, American poet, b. Topeka, Kans. She grew up in the slums of Chicago and lived in that city until her death. Brooks's poems, technically…

The Rose Tree

The Rose Tree“O words are lightly spoken” Said Pearse to Connolly, “Maybe a breath of politic words Has withered our Rose Tree; Or maybe but a wind that blows Across the bitter sea.”“It needs…