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Brewer's: Philosopher's Tree

(The), or Diana's tree. An amalgam of crystallised silver, obtained from mercury in a solution of silver; so called by the alchemists, with whom Diana stood for silver. Source:…

Brewer's: Wipple-tree

or Whipultre. Mentioned in Chaucer's Knight's Tale, is the cornel-tree or dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) (= whiffle-tree, from whiffle = to turn…

Brewer's: Palm Tree

is said to grow faster for being weighed down. Hence it is the symbol of resolution overcoming calamity. It is believed by Orientals to have sprung from the residue of the clay of which…

Brewer's: Christmas Trees

and Maypoles are remnants of the Scandinavian Ash, called Yggdrasil', the Tree of Time, whose roots penetrate to heaven, Niffheim and Ginnungagap (the gap of gaps). In Ginnungagap the…

Brewer's: Upas-tree

or Poison-tree of Macassar. Applied to anything baneful or of evil influence. The tradition is that a putrid stream rises from the tree which grows in the island of Java, and that whatever…

Noot, Jan van der

(Encyclopedia) Noot, Jan van derNoot, Jan van deryän vän dĕr nōt [key], b. 1539 or 1540, d. 1595?, Flemish poet. He wrote sonnets, odes, and other pieces in imitation of Petrarch and especially of…

rubber plant

(Encyclopedia) rubber plant, name for any plant that yields rubber, specifically the India-rubber tree (Ficus elastica), an Asian fig. See also Pará rubber tree.


(Encyclopedia) aniseaniseănˈĭs [key], annual plant (Pimpinella anisum) of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the Mediterranean region but long cultivated elsewhere for its aromatic…

The Royal Family Tree

Click on a royal family member to read the complete biography by David Johnson Related Links More Royal Family FeaturesQueen Mum Turns 100!How To Get Your Own Royal TitleKingdoms and Monarchs of…

The Devil's Dictionary: Tree

by Ambrose Bierce TORTOISETRIALTREE -n. A tall vegetable intended by nature to serve as a penal apparatus, though through a miscarriage of justice most trees bear only a negligible fruit,…