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Displaying 311 - 320

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 29, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 28, 1804June 30, 1804June 29, 1804 29th of June 1804, Set out from the Kansas river 1/2 past 4 oClock, proceeded on passed a Small run on…

Brewer's: Barrister

One admitted to plead at the bar; one who has been “called to the bar.” The bar is the rail which divides the counsel from the audience, or the place thus enclosed. Tantamount to the rood-…

Brewer's: Chalks

I beat him by long chalks. Thoroughly. In allusion to the ancient custom of making merit marks with chalk, before lead pencils were so common. Walk your chalks. Get you gone. Lodgings…

The Civil War Uniform

From blue to gray and many colors in between, the clothing of the Civil War soldier was often far from uniform By Catherine McNiff Confederate general uniform (Atlanta Civil War Museum, By London…

Novel Experiences among the Indians

Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Novel Experiences among the Indians About this time (the nineteenth and twentieth of August), the explorers lost by death the only member of their party who…

William Shakespeare: Henry VIII, Act I

Act IScene ILondon. An ante-chamber in the palaceEnter Norfolk at one door; at the other, Buckingham and AbergavennyBuckinghamGood morrow, and well met. How have ye done Since last we saw in…