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Halloween: Witchcraft in Film, Part 4

My, Look What I've Found by Beth Rowen Related Links Halloween Trick and TreatsAll-Time Scariest MoviesInterview with a Real-Life WitchInterview with Blair Witch DirectorsBlair Witch…

Brewer's: Rank and File

Soldiers of any grade below that of lance-sergeant are so called, collectively, in military phraseology, and any two soldiers of such grade are spoken of as “a file;” thus, 100 rank and…

Brewer's: Yellow-bellies

Frogs, fenmen. The Mexicans are so called. “When the Queen's Prize was won at Wimbledon, July 21st, 1885, by Sergeant Bulmer, 2nd Lincoln, his victory was hailed with `Well done, yellow-…

Brewer's: Barristers' Bags

In the Common Law bar, barristers' bags are either red or dark blue. Red bags are reserved for Queen's Counsel and sergeants; but a stuff gownsman may carry one “if presented with it by a…

Brewer's: Parvis

(London). The “place” or court before the main entrance of a cathedral. In the parvis of St. Paul's lawyers used to meet for consultation, as brokers do in exchange. The word is now…

Brewer's: Flummux

(To). To bamboozle, to deceive; to be in a quandary. “I am regularly flummuxed” —i.e. perplexed. The first syllable is probably a variant of flam, humbug, deception, and the word seems to…

Brewer's: Colt

(A). A piece of knotted rope eighteen inches long for the special benefit of ship boys; a cat-o'-nine-tails. “Look alive there, lads, or as sure as my name is Sam Weston I'll give the colt…

Brewer's: Lawyer's Bags

Some red, some blue. In the Common Law, red bags are reserved for Q.C.'s and Sergeants; but a stuff-gownsman may carry one “if presented with it by a silk.” Only red bags may be taken into…

Adventures on the Yellowstone

Chapter 24 Chapter 26 Adventures on the Yellowstone The route of Captain Clark from the point where he and Captain Lewis divided their party, was rather more difficult than that…