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Booker Prize

(Encyclopedia) Booker Prize, an award of £50,000 (originally £5,000) for the best novel of the year published in English in Great Britain; prior to 2014, it was only given to a British, Irish, or…

The eXistenZ of Life

A Talk With Director David Cronenberg by Alicia Potter Jude Law and Jennifer Jason Leigh in Cronenberg's eXistenZ. "Card-carrying existentialist" Cronenberg has consistently stayed out of…

Top 100 Works in World Literature

Source: Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, 2002. The editors of the Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, polled a panel of 100 authors from 54…

Kiran Desai

Kiran Desai is the Indian-American writer whose novel The Inheritance of Loss (2006) won the Man Booker Prize and the fiction award from the National Book Critics Circle. The daughter of novelist…

Russell Banks Biography

Russell BankswriterBorn: 3/28/1940Birthplace: Newton, Mass. Banks's hardscrabble working-class childhood in New Hampshire and Eastern Massachusetts has played a major role in shaping his writing. The…

Mohammed bin Salman

(Encyclopedia) Mohammed bin Salman, 1985–, crown prince of Saudi Arabia, b. Riyadh. The son of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, he received a law degree from King Saud Univ. (2007) and then worked in…

The Prospect/FP Top 100 Public Intellectuals

Who are the world's leading public intellectuals? The October 2005 cover of Prospect Foreign Policy and Britain's Prospect magazine selected their top 100, and invited readers to vote…