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Annie Leibovitz

Photographer Annie Leibovitz has been a portraitist of celebrities since 1970, when she first went to work for Rolling Stone magazine. By the time she left in 1983 she'd made dozens of iconic photos…

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson's breakthrough movie was the 2000 rock 'n roll memoir Almost Famous; she played Penny Lane, the groupie with a heart of gold. (The character was inspired in part by real-life groupie…

Shel Silverstein

Name at birth: Sheldon Alan SilversteinShel Silverstein is best known for his quirky and irreverent children's books and poetry, including the modern classics The Giving Tree (1964), Where the…

Levi Stubbs Biography

singerDied: 17 October 2008Best Known as: lead singer in the 1960s Motown group the Four Tops Deathplace: Detroit, Michigan Levi Stubbs was the lead…

Julius Dixon 2004 Deaths

Julius DixonAge: 90 rock-and-roll songwriter who penned the pop hits “Lollipop” and “Dim, Dim the Lights (I Want Some Atmosphere).” Died: Manhattan, Jan. 30, 2004Lady DilhorneA - FCoxsone…

The Devil's Dictionary: Washingtonian

by Ambrose Bierce WARWEAKNESSESWASHINGTONIAN -n. A Potomac tribesman who exchanged the privilege of governing himself for the advantage of good government. In justice to him it should be…

Susan Gordon Lydon 2005 Deaths

Susan Gordon LydonAge: 61 feminist and writer who was a founding editor of Rolling Stone magazine. Her essay, “The Politics of Orgasm,” which appeared in Ramparts magazine, remains a must-…

Walt Whitman: MY 71st Year

MY 71st YearAfter surmounting three-score and ten, With all their chances, changes, losses, sorrows, My parents' deaths, the vagaries of my life, the many tearing passions of me, the war…