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Brewer's: Roll

The flying roll of Zechariah (v. 1-5). “Predictions of evils to come on a nation are like the Flying Roll of Zechariah.” This roll (twenty cubits long and ten wide) was full of…

Brewer's: Rolls

[Chancery Lane, London]. So called from the records kept there in rolls of parchment. The house was originally built by Henry III, for converted Jews, and was called “Domus Conversorum.”…

Rolling Meadows

(Encyclopedia) Rolling Meadows, city (1990 pop. 22,591), Cook co., NE Ill., a suburb of Chicago; inc. 1955. There is research and development and the manufacture of office supplies and electronic…

Rolling Stones

(Encyclopedia) Rolling Stones, English rock music group that rose to prominence in the mid-1960s and continues to exert great…

Rolling Stones by the Numbers

Facts and stats about Rolling Stones hits, albums and other milestones   Mick Jagger and Keith Richards Source: WikiCommons Related Links Lasting Influence of the Rolling Stones…

Brewer's: Bead-roll

A list of persons to be prayed for; hence, also, any list. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BeadleBead-house A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Brewer's: Catholic Roll

(The). A document which each Roman Catholic was obliged to swear to on taking his seat as a Member of Parliament. It was abolished, and a single oath prescribed to all members by the 29,…

Brewer's: Clause Rolls

(Rotuli clausi). Close Rolls. (See Close Rolls) “Clause Rolls contain all such matters of record as were committed to close writs. These Rolls are preserved in the Tower” —Jacob: Law…

Brewer's: Close Rolls

are mandates, letters, and writs of a private nature, addressed, in the Sovereign's name, to individuals and folded or closed and sealed on the outside with the Great Seal. Patent Rolls…