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Are there any other causes for concern?

Are there any other causes for concern? Yes. Several.Domestic ducks can now excrete large quantities of highly pathogenic virus without showing signs of illness, and are now acting as a “…

Rose Center for Earth and Space

New York, N.Y.Designed in 2000 by James Stewart Polshek photo by Carol M. Highsmith The American Institute of Architects and Harris Interactive selected Rose Center for…

Top Ten Remote Hotels, 2014

The following table lists the top ten best remote hotels of 2014—sense of adventure required. Source: ASSOCIATED PRESS Related Links…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: Reticence

The Lost Thought With Flowers Reticence The reticent volcano keeps His never slumbering plan; Confided are his projects pink To no precarious man. If nature will not tell the…

Jobs Involving Sports

DancerProfessional AthleteCoachRecreation and Fitness WorkerRecreational TherapistJobs Involving Managing MoneyCareer GuideJobs Involving Nature

Poems by Emily Dickinson: First Series (1890)

Poems by Emily Dickinson Second Series First Series   This is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me, -- The simple news that Nature told, With tender majesty. Her message is…

The Devil's Dictionary: Tights

by Ambrose Bierce THEOSOPHYTOMBTIGHTS -n. An habiliment of the stage designed to reinforce the general acclamation of the press agent with a particular publicity. Public attention was once…