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Women Nobel Prize Winners

Marie Curie was not only the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, in 1903, but she was also the only woman ever to win two Nobel Prizes. Below is a list of all women Nobel Prize…

Top 100 Works in World Literature

Source: Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, 2002. The editors of the Norwegian Book Clubs, with the Norwegian Nobel Institute, polled a panel of 100 authors from 54…

African literature

(Encyclopedia) African literature, literary works of the African continent. African literature consists of a body of work in different languages and various genres, ranging from oral literature to…

Man Booker Prize

Great novels of the Commonwealth Britain's most prestigious literary award is presented each Oct. or Nov. by the National Book League in the United Kingdom, for the best full-length novel written…

Nobel Prize for Literature

The Most Famous Prize in Literature The Nobel Prize for Literature, one of the six international awards administered by the Nobel Foundation, honors outstanding achievement in letters. The estate…

Female Literary Figures

  Aidoo - Corelli | Dickinson - Luce | Mansfield - Rukeyser | Sackville - Yourcenar Anaïs Nin Biographies of Notable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists…

Women's History Month

Women Prize Winners in Literature   Women's History Month Nobel Winning Scientists Nobel Peace Prize Winners Pulitzer Prize Winners in Journalism Women Rulers of the World…


  Achebe, Rousseau, Yourcenar, and more A-B | C | D-F | G-H | I-L | M-N | O-P | R-S | T-Z   Achebe, Chinua Adams, Henry Addison, Joseph Aesop Agee, James Agnon, S. Y. Alcott,…

Marie Trintignant

French movie actress and murder victim Marie Trintignant was nominated five times for the César award, but she was just as famous as the daughter of director Nadine Trintignant and actor Jean-Jacques…