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guide dog

(Encyclopedia) guide dog, a dog trained to lead a blind person. The first school for training such dogs was established by the German government after World War I for the benefit of blinded veterans…

The Devil's Dictionary: Reflection

by Ambrose Bierce REFERENDUMREFORMREFLECTION -n. An action of the mind whereby we obtain a clearer view of our relation to the things of yesterday and are able to avoid the perils that we…


(Encyclopedia) MaimonidesMaimonidesmīmŏnˈĭdēz [key] or Moses ben MaimonMoses ben Maimonmīˈmən [key], 1135–1204, Jewish scholar, physician, and philosopher, the most influential Jewish thinker of the…

Books of the Bible: Old Testament Books in Order

Top of Page As a religious canon or collection of scriptures for the Christian faithful, the books of the Bible are important. The Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures explore a wide period of human…

Gaddis, William

(Encyclopedia) Gaddis, William, 1922–98, American novelist, b. New York City. An erudite master of satire and black comedy, he was both praised and criticized for his avant-garde techniques—…

Brewer's: Philosopher

The sages of Greece used to be called sophoi (wise men), but Pythagoras thought the word too arrogant, and adopted the compound philosophoi (lover of wisdom), whence “philosopher,” one who…

Brewer's: Philosophers

The Seven Sages or Wise Men of Greece. Thale, Solon, Chilon, Pittacos, Bias, Cleobulos, Periander; to which add Sosiade, Anacharsis the Scythian, Myson the Spartan, Epimenide the Cretan;…


(Encyclopedia) As, symbol for the element arsenic.