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Little Men: Chapter 3 — Sunday

SundayThe moment the bell rang next morning Nat flew out of bed, and dressed himself with great satisfaction in the suit of clothes he found on the chair. They were not new, being half-worn…

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids

The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids There was once upon a time an old goat who had seven little kids, and loved them with all the love of a mother for her children. One day she wanted to go…

Amy Lowell: A Little Song

A Little SongWhen you, my Dear, are away, away, How wearily goes the creeping day. A year drags after morning, and night Starts another year of candle light. O Pausing Sun and Lingering Moon…

Amy Lowell: The Little Garden

The Little GardenA little garden on a bleak hillside Where deep the heavy, dazzling mountain snow Lies far into the spring. The sun's pale glow Is scarcely able to melt patches wide About…

Peter Pan: The Little House

The Island Come True The Home Under the Ground The Little House Foolish Tootles was standing like a conqueror over Wendy's body when the other boys sprang, armed, from their trees…

The Little Book of Modern Verse

A Selection from the work of contemporaneous American poets[Selections made in 1913.]DedicationSincere thanks are due to my friend Thomas S. Jones, Jr., who, during my absence in Europe, has kindly…

Orrick Johns: Little Things

Little ThingsOrrick JohnsThere's nothing very beautiful and nothing very gay About the rush of faces in the town by day, But a light tan cow in a pale green mead, That is very beautiful,…

Poems: The Little Black Boy

by WilliamBlakeThe LambThe BlossomThe Little Black Boy My mother bore me in the southern wild, And I am black, but oh my soul is white! White as an angel is the English child,…

Poems: A Little Boy Lost

by WilliamBlakeA Poison TreeA Little Girl LostA Little Boy Lost "Nought loves another as itself, Nor venerates another so, Nor is it possible to thought A greater than itself to…

Poems: A Little Girl Lost

by WilliamBlakeA Little Boy LostThe SchoolboyA Little Girl Lost Children of the future age, Reading this indignant page, Know that in a former time Love, sweet love, was thought a…