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Hebrews, book of the New Testament

(Encyclopedia) Hebrews, an anonymous New Testament homily with closing greetings normally associated with the letter genre, written before c.a.d. 96. It is addressed to Jewish Christians who were…

Ulitskaya, Lyudmila Evgenyevna

(Encyclopedia) Ulitskaya, Lyudmila Evgenyevna, 1943–, Russian writer and Soviet-era dissident, grad. Moscow State Univ. She worked as a geneticist at the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968–70), was fired…

Bloch, Ernest

(Encyclopedia) Bloch, ErnestBloch, Ernestblŏk, Ger. blôkh [key], 1880–1959, Swiss-American composer. Among his teachers were Jaques-Dalcroze and Ysaÿe. He taught at the Geneva Conservatory, 1911–15,…

U.S. Societies & Associations (J)

Jewish Community Centers, World Confederation of (1946): 12 Hess St., Jerusalem, Israel 94185. Phone: (02) 625-1265; fax: (02) 624-7767. Jewish Community Centers Association (JCC) of North…

What is Purim?

Celebration of the Deliverance of the Jews by Shmuel Ross Purim Dates (beginning at sundown on the following dates) 2016: March 23 2017: March 11 2018: February 28 2019: March…

A Morass of Movable Feasts

A quick guide to the dates of Passover and Easter Related Links Easter Features Tale of Two Easters Passover Kosher for Passover The Jewish Calendar The Christian…

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The first of the Dead Sea Scroll discoveries occurred in 1947 in Qumran, a village situated about twenty miles east of Jerusalem on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A young Bedouin shepherd,…

World Religions: What People Believe and Where

Top of Page Source: iStockHow many religions are there in the world? If you ask ten different religious studies experts, you’ll probably get twenty different answers. The majority of people follow…

Origins Of Easter And Passover

Easter and Passover are religiously celebrated holidays. Easter, also called "Resurrection Day" (Pesach)  is a holiday that marks the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, on the third day after his…


(Encyclopedia) MessiahMessiahməsīˈə [key] or MessiasMessiasməsīˈəs [key] [Heb.,=anointed], in Judaism, a man who would be sent by God to restore Israel and reign righteously for all humanity. The…