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cerebral palsy

(Encyclopedia) cerebral palsycerebral palsysərēˈbrəl pôlˈzē [key], disability caused by brain damage before or during birth or in the first years, resulting in a loss of voluntary muscular control…

Country Statistics at a Glance

Find out which countries are the largest in the world, have the lowest inflation, the highest life expectancy, and more. Largest Countries in the World Smallest Countries in the World…

Demographic and Health Characteristics of Births

The following table shows the number of births, prenatal care, number of preterm infants, and the number of low birthweight infants, according to the race of the mother in 2004. Characteristic All…

2008 Year in Review - World Statistics

Top events for the nation and the world 2008 World Statistics Estimated Cost, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars The estimated cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will…

Brewer's: Infanta

Any princess of the blood royal, except an heiress of the crown, is so called in Spain and Portugal. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894InfanteInfant of Lubeck…

Sforza, Ludovico

(Encyclopedia) Sforza, Ludovico or LodovicoSforza, Ludovico or Lodovicol&oomacr;dōvēˈkō [key]Sforza, Ludovico or Lodovico sfôrˈtsä [key]Sforza, Ludovico or Lodovico, lō– [key], b. 1451 or 1452, d…

Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Bernard of Clairvaux, SaintBernard of Clairvaux, Saintklrvōˈ [key], 1090?–1153, French churchman, mystic, Doctor of the Church. Born of noble family, in 1112 he entered the Cistercian…