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Brewer's: Quit

Discharged from an obligation, “acquitted.” To John I owed great obligation; But John unhappily thought fit To publish it to all the nation- Now I and John are fairly quit. Prior. Cry…

VA Medical Care Controversy

Hundreds of veterans in Phoenix are waiting to see doctors Related Links The U.S. Veteran Population Veterans of U.S. Wars and Their Dependents Last…

Mythological Allusions

Achilles heel: In Greek mythology, the warrior Achilles was made invulnerable as a baby by being dipped into the River Styx. Only his heel—the place he was held by when being dipped—was left…

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court: Summaries The following are some important summaries of various Supreme Courts, leaders, decisions, and policies. The Supreme Court: Marshall Court   Marshall Court Overview…


  Notable Architects   From Aalto to Wright     A-C | D-K | L-O | P-S | T-Y   Charles Bullfinch's Massachusetts State House (1795–1798)   Aalto, Alvar Abercrombie, Sir…

The Congress of Women: The Fate of Republics

by Rev. Anna Howard Shaw How Can We Aid?Women in Modern ItalyThe Fate of Republics Anna Howard Shaw is a native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. Was born February 14, 1847. Her parents were…

The Last Stage of the Columbia

Chapter 19 Chapter 21 The Last Stage of the Columbia On the thirteenth of April the party reached the series of falls and rapids which they called the Long Narrows. At the point…

Prohibition party

(Encyclopedia) Prohibition party, in U.S. history, minor political party formed (1869) for the legislative prohibition of the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. The…


(Encyclopedia) restaurant, a commerical establishment where meals can be bought and eaten. In the 16th cent. English inns and taverns began to serve one meal a day at a fixed time and price, at a…