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Brewer's: Sweepstakes

(A). A race in which stakes are made by the owners of horses engaged, to be awarded to the winner or other horse in the race. In all sweepstakes entrance money has to be paid to the race…

Brewer's: Robert le Diable

The son of Bertha and Bertramo. The former was daughter of Robert, Duke of Normandy, and the latter was a fiend in the guise of a knight. The opera shows the struggle in Robert between the…

Brewer's: Sandwich

A piece of meat between two slices of bread; so called from the Earl of Sandwich (the noted “Jemmy Twitcher”), who passed whole days in gambling, bidding the waiter bring him for…

Brewer's: Macaroni

A coxcomb (Italian, un macceherone). The word is derived from the Macaroni Club, instituted by a set of flashy men who had travelled in Italy, and introduced Italian maccheroni at Almack's…

Brewer's: Bertramo

The fiend-father of Robert le Diable. After alluring his son to gamble away all his possessions, he meets him near the rocks St. Irene, and Helena seduces him in the “Dance of Love.” When…

Brewer's: Dibs

or Dibbs. Money.(Compare tips, gifts to schoolboys; and diobolus. Compare also dot with tot, jot, and yod.) The huckle-bones of sheep used for gambling purposes are called dibbs; and…

Brewer's: Lame Duck

(A.), in Stock Exchange parlance, means a member of the Stock Exchange who waddles off on settlement day without settling his account. All such defaulters are black-boarded and struck off…

electronic game

(Encyclopedia) electronic game, device or computer program that provides entertainment by challenging a person's eye-hand coordination or mental abilities. Made possible by the development of the…

Biggest Billionaire Flops in 2008

During 2008, markets and currencies around the world plummeted and so did the net worth of some of the world's wealthiest people. The top ten biggest billionaire flops lost a combined sum of $…