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Displaying 201 - 210

How to Find Stuff on the Web

Ever filled a "Search" box and gotten back a whole lot of nothin'? With a few "tricks of the trade," you can make your Web searches really pay off. And find out what else you…

Sonnets by William Shakespeare: XIV

Sonnet XIII Sonnet XV XIV Not from the stars do I my judgement pluck; And yet methinks I have astronomy, But not to tell of good or evil luck, Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons'…

The White Stripes

The White Stripes were a blues-rock duo from Detroit, Michigan, made up of Jack White (guitar and vocals) and Meg White (drums). Stylish and savvy, they began playing together in 1997 and at first…

William Shakespeare: The Tempest, Epilogue

EpilogueProsperoNow my charms are all o'erthrown, And what strength I have's mine own, Which is most faint: now, 'tis true, I must be here confined by you, Or sent to Naples. Let me not,…