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Holiday Movie Preview, 2000 - Part 3

What Women Want, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, and All the Pretty Horses by Beth Rowen What Women Want Opens December 15 Prerelease buzz has blockbuster written all over this film…

Hispanic Population in the U.S.

Profile of General Demographic Characteristics, Census 2000 and 2010 Here is a look at the U.S. population, based on the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census. Figures are broken down by Hispanic country of…

History In View: The Fog of War

The Problem One of the biggest barriers to learning more about history is the inaccessibility of most scholarly history books. The best history for research purposes is tight in its focus, has a…

Flame and Shadow, by Sara Teasdale

  Sara Teasdale Dedication To E. "Recois la flamme ou l'ombre De tous mes jours." Contents Part I Blue Squills Stars "What Do I Care?" Meadowlarks Driftwood "I…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Answerer, Part 1

Part 1Now list to my morning's romanza, I tell the signs of the Answerer, To the cities and farms I sing as they spread in the sunshine before me.A young man comes to me bearing a message…

Miami, Fla.

Mayor: Tomás Regalado (to Nov. 2017) City Manager: Daniel J. Alfonso 2010 census population (rank): 399,457 (44); Male: 198,927 (49.8%); Female: 200,530 (50.2%); White: 289,920 (72.6%);…


  Introductions The introduction is the first sentence of your essay and it plays the dual role of setting the theme of your essay and engaging the reader. The introduction should not…