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Global Abortion Rates

by Liz Olson Related Links Legal Abortions in Selected Countries Abortion in the United States World Health…

The End of the World as We Know It?

Some believe the world will end in 2012. Find out why. by Jennie Wood Pic de Burgarach, France, a site visited by people who believe a great change will take place on 12/21/2012…

Labor Day in the United States

Work in America: History, Facts, Statistics, & Leaders Source: iStockRelated Links The History of Labor Day Labor Day by the Numbers—from the U.S. Census Notable Labor Leaders…

Bulls and red capes

The Question: Are bulls really enraged by the color red? The Answer: No. In fact, bulls are color blind. When, at a bullfight, a bull…

Doctor Jokes

Doctor, doctor, I have this feeling that I'm invisible! Doctor, doctor, I've lost my memory! – When did you lose it? When did I lose what? Doctor, doctor, I keep hearing a…

Diamond Grading

The Question: I would like to know how diamonds are graded? The Answer: Diamonds with a color between colorless and yellow receive a letter…

U.S. Postal Rates & Fees

First-Class Mail includes all personal correspondence, all bills and statements of accounts, all matter sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, and matter wholly or partly in writing or…