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Brewer's: Slap-bang

in sport, means that the gun was discharged incessantly; it went slap here and bang there. As a term of laudation it means “very dashing,” both words being playful synonyms of “dashing,”…

Brewer's: White Horse

of Wantage (Berkshire), cut in the chalk hills. This horse commemorates a great victory gained by Alfred over the Danes, in the reign of his brother…

Brewer's: Yule Log

A great log of wood laid in ancient times across the hearth-fire on Christmas Eve. This was done with certain ceremonies and much merry-making. (Norwegian, juul, Christmas.) Ever at…

Brewer's: Shirt

(See Nessus.) Shirt for ensign. When Sultan Saladin died, he commanded that no ceremony should be used but this: A priest was to carry his shirt on a lance, and say: “Saladin, the…

Brewer's: Full Dress

The dress worn on occasions of ceremony. If a man has no special costume, his “full dress” is a suit of black, open waiscoat, swallow-tailed coat, white neckcloth, and patent-leather boots…

Brewer's: Masaniello

A corruption of TomMASo ANIELLO, a Neapolitan fisherman, who led the revolt of July, 1647. The great grievance was a new tax upon fruit, and the immediate cause of Masaniello's…

Brewer's: Nail fixed in the Temple

(of Jupiter). On September 13th a nail was annually driven into the wall of the temple of Jupiter. This was originally done to tally the year, but subsequently it lapsed into a religious…

Choosing a Pope

Learn how a new pope is selected upon the death or retirement of a sitting pontiff Benedict XVI Related Links Biography of Benedict XVI Major Religions of the World…

From the Minnetarees to the Shoshonees

Chapter 12 Chapter 14 From the Minnetarees to the Shoshonees Travelling in a westerly direction, with a very gradual descent, Captain Lewis, on the thirteenth of August, came…