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Sacheen Littlefeather Biography

Sacheen Littlefeather(Maria Cruz)actressBorn: 1947Birthplace: California Sacheen Littlefeather is best known for having appeared at Marlon Brando's behest at the Academy Awards ceremony in…

Union Pacific Railroad

(Encyclopedia) Union Pacific Railroad, transportation company chartered (1862) by Congress to build part of the nation's first transcontinental railroad line. Under terms of the Pacific Railroads Act…

The Summer Olympic Games

    Beijing, China, Aug. 8-24   Marathon runners, Greece 1896 Summer Olympics History Olympic Athletes A-Z Through The Years By Country: All-Time Medal Standings By…

June 1997 News and Events

1997 News Month-By-MonthWorldFrench Vote for Leftists (June 1): In setback to President Chirac, Socialists and Communists gain allies. Vote is a mandate to reject economic austerity and press…

Entertainment News from July 1999

1Ally McBeal star Calista Flockhart puts the media in its place, telling its members obsessed with her weight to “kiss my skinny white ass,” on her appearance on David Letterman's Late Show.…

Ebola FAQs

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization Ebola Fact Sheet Rare and Deadly Diseases What is Ebola virus disease?…

Wisdom: 14

Wisdom Chapter 14 1 Again, one preparing himself to sail, and about to pass through the raging waves, calleth upon a piece of wood more rotten than the vessel that carrieth him.…

Buddy Jeannette 1998 Deaths

Buddy Jeannette (Harry Edwards Jeannette)Age: 80 basketball star of the late 1930s and early 40s; played in Sheboygan, Fort Wayne and Baltimore for the National Basketball League, the…