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Kate Winslet, 1998 News

Hollywood director, proclaimed himself “king of the world” as his blockbuster Titanic picked up awards in 11 categories at the 70th annual Academy Awards ceremony on March 23. Captivating…

The Devil's Dictionary: Kiss

by Ambrose Bierce KING'S EVILKLEPTOMANIACKISS -n. A word invented by the poets as a rhyme for "bliss." It is supposed to signify, in a general way, some kind of rite or ceremony…

Why is it Called an Oscar?

The Question: Where did the Academy Awards trophy get its nickname, the Oscar? The Answer: According to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences,…

Aleister Crowley

Name at birth: Edward Alexander CrowleyAleister Crowley is the rule-breaking mystic whose many philosophical and occult writings form the backbone of the contemporary movement called "magick."…

The Devil's Dictionary: Abrupt

by Ambrose Bierce ABRIDGEABSCONDABRUPT -adj. Sudden, without ceremony, like the arrival of a cannon-shot and the departure of the soldier whose interests are most affected by it. Dr.…

Janice-Lee Romary Biography

foil fencerDied: May 31, 2007 (Klamath Falls, Oregon) Best Known as: Olympic foil fencer Former champion foil fencer known for her longevity in the sport…

The Devil's Dictionary: Sacrament

by Ambrose Bierce SACERDOTALISTSACREDSACRAMENT -n. A solemn religious ceremony to which several degrees of authority and significance are attached. Rome has seven sacraments, but the…

Pervez Musharraf, 2001 News

Pakistani general, declared himself president and formal head of state in June, less than a month before a summit meeting in India with Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee. He promptly…

Entertainment News from May 1998

1Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke marry in a candlelit ceremony at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine. They are expecting their first child in July. It is the first marriage for Hawke and…

The Devil's Dictionary: Disobey

by Ambrose Bierce DISOBEDIENCEDISSEMBLEDISOBEY -v.t. To celebrate with an appropriate ceremony the maturity of a command. His right to govern me is clear as day, My duty manifest to…