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Brewer's: Mississippi Bubble

The French “South-Sea Scheme,” and equally disastrous. It was projected by John Law, a Scotchman, and had for its object the payment of the National Debt of France, which amounted to 208…

Brewer's: L

L This letter represents an ox-goad, and is called in Hebrew lamed (an oxgoad). L for fifty is half C (centum, a hundred). L for a pound sterling, is the Latin libra, a pound. With…

Brewer's: Pyramid

The largest is that of Cholula, in Mexico, which covers fifty acres of ground. The largest in Egypt is that of Cheops, near Cairo, which covers thirteen acres. Sir William Tite tells us it…

Brewer's: Scotch Shilling

= a penny sterling. The Scotch pound in 1600 was worth 20d., and as it was divided into twenty shillings, it follows that a Scotch shilling was worth one penny English. Source:…

Brewer's: Thunderer

(The). A name applied to The Times newspaper, in allusion to an article by Captain Ed. Sterling, beginning thus: “We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and…

Brewer's: Greenbacks

Bank notes issued by the Government of the United States in 1862, during the Civil War; so called because the back is printed in green. In March, 1878, the amount of greenbacks for…

Brewer's: Crore

(A), in the East Indies, means a hundred lacs of rupees, equal nominally, in round numbers, to a million sterling. (Pronounce cror, Hindustanee karor.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Parti

(A). An eligible person for a big marriage. “Prince Frederick Leopold is a parti, as he has inherited the bulk of his father's immense fortune [twenty-four millions sterling].” —Newspaper…

Brewer's: Rudolphine Tables

(The). Tabulae Rudolphinae, 1627. Astronomical calculations begun by Tycho Brahé, and continued by Kepler, under the immediate patronage of Kaiser Rudolph II., after whom Kepler named the…

The Second Book of Modern Verse

A Selection from the work of contemporaneous American poetsSelections made in 1919.ContentsForewordThe Road not taken (Robert Frost)Symbol (David Morton)Spring (John Gould Fletcher)"There will come…