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First Federal Obesity Guidelines:

More than Half of All Americans are Too Fat Source: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Related Links Guidelines for Healthful EatingExercise GuidelinesDietary Guidelines for AmericansHealth…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: To Constantia, Singing

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Marianne's DreamTo ConstantiaTo Constantia, Singing Published by Mrs. Shelley in "Posthumous Poems", 1824. Amongst the Shelley manuscripts at the Bodleian is a…

Brewer's: Dr. Sangrado

of Valladolid, a tall, meagre, pale man, of very solemn appearance, who weighed every word he uttered, and gave an emphasis to his sage dicta. “His reasoning was geometrical, and his…

Brewer's: Myrtle

(The). If you look at a leaf of myrtle in a strong light, you will see that it is pierced with innumerable little punctures. According to fable, Phædra, wife of Theseus fell in love with…

Brewer's: Sangreal

The vessel from which our Saviour drank at the Last Supper, and which (as it is said) was afterwards filled by Joseph of Arimathe'a with the blood that flowed from His wounds. This blood…

Brewer's: Grail

(The Holy). In French, San Graal. This must not be confounded with the san-greal or sang-real, for the two are totally distinct. The “Grail” is either the paten or dish which held the…

Brewer's: Groat

From John o' Groat's house to the Land's End. From Dan to Beersheba, from one end of Great Britain to the other. John o' Groat was a Dutchman, who settled in the most northerly point of…