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Check Your Healthy Heart I.Q.

Healthy Heart I.Q.—QuestionsHealthy Heart I.Q.—AnswersSource: The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Answer true or false to the following questions to test your knowledge of heart…


Coldplay's single "Clocks" won the Grammy Award for best record of 2003. The U.K. rock band is made up of vocalist Chris Martin (b. 2 March 1977), guitarist Johnny Buckland (b. 11 September 1977),…

Daphne Zuniga

Daphne Zuniga played the hapless Jo on Fox Television's prime-time soap opera Melrose Place from 1992 to 1996. Zuniga's career had started 10 years earlier (with a small part in The Dorm That Dripped…


Chief of the Gorgons, Medusa was the serpent-headed monster of Greek mythology whose hideous appearance turned men into stone. Originally a fair maiden, she was violated by Poseidon in a temple of…

Peter Pan: The Island Come True

The Flight The Little House The Island Come True Feeling that Peter was on his way back, the Neverland had again woke into life. We ought to use the pluperfect and say wakened, but…