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Brewer's: High Words

Angry words. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894HighgateHigh Tea A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Words Ending in "gry"

The Question: There are supposed to be three words that end in "gry". Hungry and angry are two of them. What is the third one? The Answer: In common English, there are actually only two words…

Words that End in "dous"

The Question: There are four words that end in "dous" in the English language and I can only come up with three - stupendous, tremendous and horrendous. Can…

Frequently Misspelled Words

The Most Common Misspellings English spelling can get rather tricky. It used to be much harder--the English language changed a lot after the Middle Ages in an event called the Great Vowel Shift.…

Eskimo Words for Snow

The Question: Just how many words do the Inuit have for snow? The Answer: Legend has it that the Inuit language has dozens, hundreds, or even thousands…

The Hawaiian Word for "Rainbow"

The Question: I'm trying to find the Hawaiian term for rainbow. I seem to be looking at all the wrong sites. I hope you can help me. The Answer…

The Longest English Word

The Question: What is the longest word in your dictionary? The Answer: The longest word in the Infoplease Dictionary is…

Non-Rhyming Words

The Question: Is it true that orange, silver, and month are the only three English-language words without any rhymes? The Answer: No. Other…

Commonly Mispronounced Words

English can be a tricky language, especially when it comes to pronunciation rules. You probably know a few people who would pronounce that word "prob-lee." You might even do it yourself! Learn more…