The Olympian Gods Quiz
What goddess did Hades (or Pluto) abduct to the underworld so that she would become his wife?
This goddess held the hero Odysseus/Ulysses as her lover for one year, after she attempted to magically turn him into a pig.
This god caught his wife, Aphrodite/Venus, cheating on him with Ares/Mars
Which god threatened to flood the city of Athens out of jealousy that they worshipped Athena?
Which goddess turned the hero Actaeon into a deer, causing him to be hunted down by his own hounds?
One of the great heroes was elevated to godhood by his father, Zeus/Jupiter. Which hero was it?
Which god had a famous romance with the mortal Psyche?
Which goddess was born from sea-foam?
The titan Kronos (or Saturn) ate his children to prevent them from overthrowing him. One god was spared this fate when his mother Rhea secretly swapped him for a rock. Which god avoided being eaten?
This goddess guided the hero Perseus, and later gifted him a polished shield to help him battle Medusa.