Richard Burton

Born at Hartford, Connecticut, March 14, 1859 [sic]. Received the degree of A.B. from Trinity College in 1883 and of Ph.D. from John Hopkins University in 1888. He entered journalism and became for a short time managing editor of "The Churchman", leaving this position to become literary editor of the "Hartford Courant", where he remained from 1890 to 1897. During this period he was also associate editor of the "Warner Library of the World's Best Literature". In 1902 he went to Boston as literary editor of the Lothrop Publishing Company, remaining until 1904. Previous to this time, Dr. Burton had been lecturing widely upon poetry and the drama and spent the succeeding two years chiefly engaged in this work. In 1906 he became the head of the English Department of the University of Minnesota, which position he still holds, although the scholastic year is broken annually by a lecture tour through the East. Dr. Burton has published many volumes of poetry and several upon the drama. Among the former one may cite as most representative: "Dumb in June", 1895; "Lyrics of Brotherhood", 1899; "Message and Melody", 1903; "Rahab: A Poetic Drama", 1906; "From the Book of Life", 1909; and "A Midsummer Memory", an elegy upon the untimely death of Arthur Upson, 1910.