type: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (tīp), [key]
— n., v., typed, typ•ing.
  1. a number of things or persons sharing a particular characteristic, or set of characteristics, that causes them to be regarded as a group, more or less precisely defined or designated; class; category: a criminal of the most vicious type.
  2. a thing or person regarded as a member of a class or category; kind; sort (usually fol. by of&hasp;): This is some type of mushroom.
  3. a person, regarded as reflecting or typifying a certain line of work, environment, etc.: a couple of civil service types.
  4. a thing or person that represents perfectly or in the best way a class or category; model: the very type of a headmaster.
  5. a headline in large type.
    1. a rectangular piece or block, now usually of metal, having on its upper surface a letter or character in relief.
    2. such pieces or blocks collectively.
    3. a similar piece in a typewriter or the like.
    4. such pieces collectively.
    5. a printed character or printed characters:a headline in large type.
    6. face (defs. 19b, c).
    1. a genus or species that most nearly exemplifies the essential characteristics of a higher group.
    2. the one or more specimens on which the description and naming of a species is based.
  6. dairy type.
    1. the inherited features of an animal or breed that are favorable for any given purpose:dairy type.
    2. a strain, breed, or variety of animal, or a single animal, belonging to a specific kind.
  7. Also calledthe general form of a word, expression, symbol, or the like in contrast to its particular instances:Cf.(def. 8). The type “and” in “red and white and blue” has two separate tokens.
  8. the pattern or model from which something is made.
  9. an image or figure produced by impressing or stamping, as the principal figure or device on either side of a coin or medal.
  10. a distinctive or characteristic mark or sign.
  11. a symbol of something in the future, as an Old Testament event serving as a prefiguration of a New Testament event.
  12. See
  1. to write on a typewriter; typewrite or keyboard.
  2. to reproduce in type or in print.
  3. to ascertain the type of (a blood or tissue sample).
  4. to typecast.
  5. to be a type or symbol of; typify; symbolize; represent.
  6. to represent prophetically; foreshadow; prefigure.
  1. to typewrite.


Pronunciation: [key]
  1. a suffix representing(prototype), esp. in names of photographic processes:Cf. ferrotype.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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