
Estimate Products
Estimate Products
In this video, Jada learns how to estimate the product of a multiplication problem.
Estimate Quotients With 2-Digit Divisors
Estimate Quotients With 2-Digit Divisors
In this video, Jada learns about estimation, and how to estimate the solutions to division problems.
Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers
Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers
In this video, Carlos learns how to estimate values for addition and subtraction involving mixed numbers.
Estimate the Product of a Decimal and a Whole Number
Estimate the Product of a Decimal and a Whole Number
In this video, Jada learns how to estimate the product of a whole number and a fraction.
Estimate: Use Compatible Numbers
Estimate: Use Compatible Numbers
In this video, Alex and Jada learn to use compatible numbers to simplify complex multiplication.
Estimating Length
Estimating Length
In this video, Daniel learns how to estimate the length of different objects using the units inch, foot and yard.
Falcon Sense of Sight
Falcon Sense of Sight
Find information and a video about the peregrine falcon and the wedge-tailed eagle, birds of prey with exceptional eyesight for catching their…
Find Common Denominators
Find Common Denominators
In this video, Jada learns who to compare fractions using common denominators.
Finding Area by Multiplying Base and Height
Finding Area by Multiplying Base and Height
This video explains how to find the area of a rectangle by multiplying the base times its height, or A=BH.