Michele Bachmann: Campaign Issues
Updated November 29, 2022 |
Infoplease Staff

Where she stands
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- Bachmann voted yes on Paul Ryan's proposed budget resolution, which includes cuts to Medicare Advantage plans.
- She opposes Obama's health care reform and wants to overturn it, warning that so-called Obamacare will take $500 billion out of Medicare.
- She has suggested that Obama wants Medicare to go bankrupt so retirees will be forced to enroll in the new health care law.
- Bachmann co-sponsored the REBOUND Act, a plan to reduce the deficit and promote real economic recovery by recalling the $460 billion in unspent stimulus money and requiring all Wall Street Repayments to go to debt reduction while leaving tax relief and unemployment benefits intact.
- She strongly opposes the estate tax.
- She wants to reduce capital gains taxes and repeal the alternative minimum tax (AMT).
- She believes in less taxation and less government regulation of private companies.
- Simplifying the tax code is a top priority for her.
- She supports a Constitutional amendment process to require a balanced budget with a two-thirds majority needed for any tax hike.
- She voted no on the following: regulating the subprime mortgage industry; the $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler; the $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure and energy; monitoring TARP funds to ensure more mortgage relief; the additional $825B for economic recovery package; and modifying bankruptcy rules to avoid mortgage foreclosures.
- She voted yes on the following: the 2011-2012 budget; repealing funding for school-based health center construction; repealing funding for state health benefit exchanges; prohibiting taxpayer funding of abortion; prohibiting 2010-2011 congressional cost-of-living pay increase; terminating the emergency mortgage relief program; and the energy tax prevention act.
- Bachmann believes Congress must work to secure borders and enforce the immigration laws already in place.
- Once current laws are enforced and borders are secure, she supports improvements to the current system.
- She believes those who approach the immigration system legally and go through the process should be welcomed.
- She is a member of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, a bi-partisan forum for discussing and dispersing information about renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
- She believes in exploring untapped domestic oil resources that will reduce prices.
- Bachmann has said that she wants to raise awareness and educate lawmakers on technologies to improve energy efficiency and explore alternative forms of energy.
- She has introduced four pieces of legislation that promote alternative forms of energy:
- The Emergency Energy Cut the Red Tape Now Act, improving access to offshore drilling
The Fast Track Shale Act, improving access to shale oil on federal lands
The Getting Resources Efficiently and Effectively Now (GREEN) Act, speeding up access to American energy resources
The Promoting New American Energy Act, tax depreciation for investments in wind, solar, and geothermal technologies
- The Emergency Energy Cut the Red Tape Now Act, improving access to offshore drilling
- She also introduced the Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act, which would eliminate federal light bulb standards passed in 2007. Bachmann introduced the bill because she believes "the government has no business telling an individual what kind of light bulb to buy." The 2007 energy legislation phases out Thomas Edison's 131-year-old incandescent light bulb and mandates use of more energy efficient light bulbs such as the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL).
Foreign Policy
- Believes there should be no foreign aid to state sponsors of terror.
- Feels the biggest issue in the Middle East is Iran developing a nuclear arsenal.
- Believes it is in the best interest of the United States and for democracy in general to maintain a close friendship with Israel.
- Bachmann has said that she is honored to be in a position where she can help Israel and considers her heritage Jewish because it is the foundation of her Christian faith.
- On May 19, 2011, she responded to Obama's Middle East policy speech, in which he called for a two-state solution with the 1967 boarders as a starting point, by calling it "a shocking display of betrayal towards our ally". Bachmann went on to say that she was "saddened and disappointed deeply by President Obama's statement."
- Voted no on supporting democratic institutions in Pakistan.
- Voted yes on working with India as a nuclear power.
Same-sex marriage
- Bachmann strongly opposes same-sex marriage and civil unions.
- She supports same-sex marriage bans and the Defense of Marriage Act.
- More from Campaign 2012
About the author
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