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Writing Well: A + B = C: Appeal to Reason

A + B = C: Appeal to ReasonWriting WellWhy Not See It My Way?: Persuasion and ArgumentationA + B = C: Appeal to ReasonTake the High Road: Appeal to EthicsTug the Heartstrings: Appeal to EmotionMy Way…

Book Eight

Book Eight   This reflection also tends to the removal of the desire of empty fame, that it is no longer in thy power to have lived the whole of thy life, or at least thy life from thy…


HuckleberriesThere was a great clashing of tin pails, much running to and fro, and frequent demands for something to eat, one August afternoon, for the boys were going huckleberrying, and…

Writing Well: How's That Again? Logical Fallacies

How's That Again? Logical FallaciesWriting WellWhy Not See It My Way?: Persuasion and ArgumentationA + B = C: Appeal to ReasonTake the High Road: Appeal to EthicsTug the Heartstrings: Appeal to…

Anatomy and
Physiology: The Digestive System

The Digestive SystemAnatomy and PhysiologyThe Digestive SystemStops Along the WayIt's a Long Way DownJack-of-All-TradesRunning Along the TractPancreatic Panacea?What We Do with Our Food We are…

Brewer's: Corinth

Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum (It falls not to every man's lot to go to Corinth). Gellius, in his Noctes Atticæ, i. 8, says that Horace refers to Laïs, a courtesan of Corinth…