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Christina Rossetti: I Know You Not

I Know You Not1864O Christ, the Vine with living Fruit, The twelvefold-fruited Tree of Life, The Balm in Gilead after strife, The valley Lily and the Rose; Stronger than Lebanon, Thou Root;…

Robert Graves: The Next War

The Next WarYou young friskies who today Jump and fight in Father's hay With bows and arrows and wooden spears, Playing at Royal Welch Fusiliers, Happy though these hours you spend, Have they…

Lesson One: Tackling the Question

  Introduction Contrary to popular belief, all admissions officers are not old men with bowties and English accents. In fact, the first people to read your application are often…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 29, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 28, 1806May 30, 1806May 29, 1806 Thursday May 29th 1806. No movement of the party today worthy of notice. we have once more a good stock of…

Common Infectious Diseases Worldwide

Sources: The Centers for Disease Control (CDC); The World Health Organization (WHO). The following is a list of the most common infectious diseases throughout the world today. Accurate caseload…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 10

Part 10Alone far in the wilds and mountains I hunt, Wandering amazed at my own lightness and glee, In the late afternoon choosing a safe spot to pass the night, Kindling a fire and broiling…

Richard Burton: The Song of the Unsuccessful

The Song of the UnsuccessfulRichard BurtonWe are the toilers from whom God barred The gifts that are good to hold. We meant full well and we tried full hard, And our failures were manifold.…

Algebra: Rational Expressions

Rational Expressions Algebra Rational Expressions Simplifying Rational Expressions Combining Rational Expressions Multiplying and Dividing Rationally Encountering Complex Fractions There are…