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Arthur Shimkin 2006 Deaths

Arthur ShimkinAge: 84 producer of children's records who started the Little Golden Records label of Simon & Schuster in the early 1950s and Sesame Street Records in the 1970s. He won a…

T. S. Eliot: Preludes, III

by T. S. Eliot IIIVIII You tossed a blanket from the bed, You lay upon your back, and waited; You dozed, and watched the night revealing The thousand sordid images Of which your soul was…

Sara Teasdale: Nightfall

NightfallWe will never walk again As we used to walk at night, Watching our shadows lengthen Under the gold street-light When the snow was new and white.We will never walk again Slowly,…

Kerri Strug

Kerri StrugBorn: Nov. 19, 1977Gymnastics delivered the most dramatic moment of the 1996 Summer Olympics when she completed a vault (9.712) after spraining her ankle; the second vault assured…

Summer X Games

Bicycle StuntBig-Air SnowboardingMoto XBungee JumpingSkysurfingStreet LugeSkateboardSportclimbingX-Venture RaceIn-Line SkatingWatersports

Henry Paulson, Jr.

Henry Merritt Paulson, Jr. was United States Secretary of the Treasury from July of 2006 until January of 2009. A graduate of Dartmouth University (1968) and Harvard Business School (1970), Paulson…

Edith Piaf

Name at birth: Edith Giovanni GassionEdith Piaf was one of the most popular French singers of the 1940s and '50s, internationally famous for her husky, mournful voice and her songs of loneliness and…

Notting Hill Carnival

Caribbean food, steel bands, calypso, and parades make the Notting Hill Carnival an international draw every August by Liz Olson Related Links Queen's Birthday United…

U.S. News: States Attempt to Weaken Unions

Major U.S. news stories, from Occupy Wall Street to Penn State Protestor in Cairo shows unity with Wisconsin protesetors Photo Credit: Derek Blackadder Related Links 2011…