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Grown Ups

UPNMonday 9:00–9:30 p.m.Cast:Jaleel White, Dave Ruby, Marissa Ribisi Does the world need another Jaleel White (best known Urkel) series? For that matter, does the world really need UPN? After…

John Kasich

John Kasich is the Ohio governor, former Congressman and former TV chat show host who ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2016. John Kasich was first elected Congressman from Ohio's…


One of the great scientists of antiquity, Archimedes is known for his mathematical work, his theories of mechanics and his clever use of machines in the defense of Syracuse against the Romans. It is…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: Waiting

by EmilyDickinsonXXXIXXXIIIWaiting Waiting I sing to use the waiting, My bonnet but to tie, And shut the door unto my house; No more to do have I, Till, his best step approaching,…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 1, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 30, 1805May 2, 1805May 1, 1805 Wednesday May 1st 1805. Set out this morning at an early, the wind being favourable we used our sales…

Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Historical BackgroundBy the mid-1850s, sectional conflict over the extension of slavery into the Western territories threatened to tear the nation apart. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854…

December 2005

WorldSeveral Marines Die in Attack (Dec. 2): Ten marines are killed and about a dozen wounded by a bomb attack in Falluja.Military Admits to Paying for News Coverage (Dec. 2): Pentagon…

Writing Well: On the Right Track

On the Right TrackWriting WellCast a Critical EyeAn Embarrassment of RichesOn the Right Track There's a lot to be said for the motto “Shop 'Til You Drop,” especially when it comes to shoes, sweaters…

Genetic Engineering: DNA Technology Applications

DNA Technology ApplicationsGenetic EngineeringIntroductionFundamentals of Genetic EngineeringCurrent Recombinant Cloning TechnologyDNA Technology ApplicationsHuman Disorders and Gene TherapyHuman…