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Dracula: A Medical Explanation?

Some traits attributed to vampires— sensitivity to light, fangs, pale skin - may actually describe certain illnesses Monster Links Halloween Tricksters and Treats Quiz: Dracula…

Timeline: Video Games, Part I

Part I: Early Years by Amanda Kudler 1958 1961 1965 1970 1972 Next: 1975-1984 1958 Physicist Willy Higinbotham invents the first "video game" at the…


The Magnetic Field of NeptuneNeptune's MoonsThe Smaller Satellites Little was known about Neptune until Aug. 1989, when NASA's Voyager 2 became the first spacecraft to observe the planet.…

Historical Calendars

Find current, past, Chinese, lunar, Jewish, and other calendars as well as features on the history of the calendar, leap year, time zones, and more. 2023 Calendar 2022 Calendar 2021…

Dracula: Going Postal

Commemorating the 500th anniversary on U.S. stamps Monster Links Halloween Tricksters and Treats Quiz: Dracula Menacing Monster Guide Quiz: Monsters The 500th anniversary of…

All About Dracula

Facts, history, and legends Learn all about Dracula and vampires in our guide to the fact and fiction of the Transylvanian prince. From Prince to Frightening Modern Legend…

Timeline: Video Games, Part IV

Part IV: 1995-present by Amanda Kudler 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1995 Sony brings the PlayStation to…

Dracula and Other Vampire Beliefs

Belief in vampires and the power of blood is as old as mankind Monster Links Halloween Tricksters and Treats Quiz: Dracula Menacing Monster Guide Quiz: Monsters Belief in…