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Walt Whitman: One's-Self I Sing

One's-Self I SingOne's-self I sing, a simple separate person, Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.Of physiology from top to toe I sing, Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is…

The Congress of Women: A Self Support Problem

by Miss Julia S. Tutwiler Our Forgotten Foremothers.Education of Indian Girls in the WestA Self Support Problem[1] Miss Julia Strudwick Tutwiler is a native of Tuscaloosa, Ala. She was born…

self-fulfilling prophecy

(Encyclopedia) self-fulfilling prophecy, a concept developed by Robert K. Merton to explain how a belief or expectation, whether correct or not, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person…

self-help group

(Encyclopedia) self-help group, nonprofessional organization formed by people with a common problem or situation, for the purpose of pooling resources, gathering information, and offering mutual…

Charles Hanson Towne: Of One Self-Slain

Of One Self-SlainCharles Hanson TowneWhen he went blundering back to God, His songs half written, his work half done, Who knows what paths his bruised feet trod, What hills of peace or pain…