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Robert Frost: After Apple-Picking

After Apple-PickingRobert FrostMy long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree Toward heaven still, And there's a barrel that I didn't fill Beside it, and there may be two or three…


Director: Nora Ephron Writers: Nora Ephron, Delia Ephron, Pete Dexter and Jim Quinlan Director of Photography: John Lindley Editor: Geraldine Peroni Music: Randy Newman…

The Congress of Women: The Women of Bohemia

by Mrs. Josefa Humpal Zeman Development in Eastern WashingtonAn African ExpeditionThe Women of Bohemia Mrs. Josefa Humpal Zeman is a native of Bohemia. She was born January 9,1870. Her…

The Song of Hiawatha: The White Man's Foot

The Famine Hiawatha's Departure The White Man's Foot In his lodge beside a river, Close beside a frozen river, Sat an old man, sad and lonely. White his hair was as a snow-drift; Dull…

Amy Lowell: Teatro Bambino

Teatro BambinoDublin, N. H.How still it is! Sunshine itself here falls In quiet shafts of light through the high trees Which, arching, make a roof above the walls Changing from sun to…

Walt Whitman: Proud Music of the Storm, Part 3

Part 3Ah from a little child, Thou knowest soul how to me all sounds became music, My mother's voice in lullaby or hymn, (The voice, O tender voices, memory's loving voices, Last miracle of…

Encountering Expressions

Encountering Expressions Algebra Encountering Expressions Introducing Variables Translating Words into Math Behold the Power of Exponents Living Large with Scientific Notation Dastardly…


(Encyclopedia) beaver, either of two large aquatic rodents, Castor fiber and Castor canadensis, known for their engineering feats. They were once widespread in N and central Eurasia except E Siberia…

sporting dog

(Encyclopedia) sporting dog, classification used by breeders and kennel clubs to designate dogs bred for pointing, flushing, and retrieving game. These dogs hunt by air scent—as opposed to most…